Acoustic Tagging of Silver Eels in the Meuse River, Belgium (2017-10-09)

During the last two days, we tagged 150 eels with acoustic transmitters as part of our investigations on the downstream migration of eels in the Belgian Meuse by means of acoustic telemetry. Our eels of 0.8 to 1.5 kg weight were thereby equipped with internal acoustic transmitters, measuring 45 mm and 8 g. The fish were divided into 6 batches and kept for 24h after in seperated basins before being released upstream of the hydropower plants. The tags are now sending over a battery life of 630 days data for the localization of the eels. We’ll get the first data during mid November which will help us to better understand the downstream migration behaviour of the eels in the Meuse river. Do not hesitate to contact us, we gladly provide you with more information about our projects.